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We offer the best tree planting in Central Ohio. We Back it up with a 5 Year Care Plan and Guarantee for residential properties and a 3 Year care plan and Guarantee for commercial properties.
Our standard tree planting comes with a 5- or 3-Year Guarantee and Tree Care Plan.
Each tree planting comes with annual fertilizations for most of the duration of the care plan.
Every tree planting with the tree care plan comes with a watering system that collects rainwater and needs little to no watering by you.
Almost all tree planting can be done year-round. Because of our planting methods, there is no season that isn't ideal for a new tree. Plant availability is the only thing that can slow our process down.
We work with a large network of Growers and Nurseries in the Area. We can almost always find the trees you are looking for.
Commercial accounts get the guarantee as well. Commercial clients will receive a 3-Year Care Plan with tree plantings and a watering system.